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Skyrim Sneaking Glitch: Auto-detection


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So it seems that within a range in front of my player, all potential enemies are automatically attacked and make a character or monster "ow" noise or phrase. Even if I am simply walking without a weapon, enemies are attacked and no damage is done, yet their life bar shows up and they attack me. Sneaking is impossible because as I approach the target, it happens. Like I said, it only happens to potential enemies like giants or monsters or quest enemy characters but for some odd reason, civilians aren't as well as guards.


Help is much appreciated -.-


Ex 1: Walking near a giant camp, as I approach, giant makes a grunting sound and instantly starts to attack me


Ex: 2: When goingto talk to Esbern in the Ratway, the thalmor are instantly attacked when I enter the Ratway vaults, even though they are on different floors.

EDIT: I HAVE FIXED THE PROBLEM. Status effect glitched my game until Italked to a jarl....

Edited by Complex17
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