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Doing a play through as a hunter, I didnt want to level blacksmithing or enchanting. So im stuck with random enchanted gear either drop or vendor purchased. Wondering if someone would be willing to create 2 NPCs. One is an Enchanter placed in the college and a Blacksmith in one of the holds that will do just that for you, for a fee of course. Maybe add in some quests for mats.


"Bring me Fire Salts and a filled Soul Gem to enchant your weapon with fire." type quests.


I know this would only work for vanilla items but that is fine.

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You could try this mod Helpful Blacksmith by Gerauld http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27116. Sadly this mod doesn't work any mods that changes smithing perks and disguise mod. Also this one SHARPE Craftsmanship - Made to order by Herko ter Horst http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14474. I haven't truly tested this mod but buying an armor and weapon is quite expensive.


Npc that would help you enchant items, no mod haven't created yet.

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You could try this mod Helpful Blacksmith by Gerauld http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27116. Sadly this mod doesn't work any mods that changes smithing perks and disguise mod. Also this one SHARPE Craftsmanship - Made to order by Herko ter Horst http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14474. I haven't truly tested this mod but buying an armor and weapon is quite expensive.


Npc that would help you enchant items, no mod haven't created yet.


Thanks been looking a while for this. Kudos given

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You could try this mod Helpful Blacksmith by Gerauld http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27116. Sadly this mod doesn't work any mods that changes smithing perks and disguise mod. Also this one SHARPE Craftsmanship - Made to order by Herko ter Horst http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14474. I haven't truly tested this mod but buying an armor and weapon is quite expensive.


Npc that would help you enchant items, no mod haven't created yet.




I am not sure, but I think that "Economics of Skyrim" handles that, and also allows "ordering" gear via smiths, crafting via smiths, upgrading via smiths and so on.

And it's quite awesome economy overhaul as well!

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You could try this mod Helpful Blacksmith by Gerauld http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27116. Sadly this mod doesn't work any mods that changes smithing perks and disguise mod. Also this one SHARPE Craftsmanship - Made to order by Herko ter Horst http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14474. I haven't truly tested this mod but buying an armor and weapon is quite expensive.


Npc that would help you enchant items, no mod haven't created yet.




I am not sure, but I think that "Economics of Skyrim" handles that, and also allows "ordering" gear via smiths, crafting via smiths, upgrading via smiths and so on.

And it's quite awesome economy overhaul as well!


THAT is what I was looking for. THANKS.

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