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Mods: An Oblique Take


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This may belong in the mod talk section, however, here goes.


I occasionally find myself experiencing unexpected reactions to various mods. Frex, I downloaded a mod a few days ago that causes my female citizen npcs to appear in loose fitting, skimper versions of their vanilla outfits. On the whole the mod is well done from a technical point of view. However, the personal jury's still out at to whether I'm gonna keep it. Thanks to NMM that's now a whole lot easier as a judgement call. Anyway, I've noticed that a couple of the outfit changes to the females like Adrienne at the forge in Whiterun seem to have caused their figures to become better upholstered. Adrienne always was well endowed in the chest area, even as a vanilla toon, however, she now seems to have heavier thighs, derriere, and so. This morning I was looking at her as she moved around the forge and thinking that the outfit was totally innappropriate for someone in her profession. Then I thought that it made her appearance rougher or more basic, which would have been realistic for that job. Then I took a look at her backside and upper thighs, which are now revealed, and found myself looking for cellulite. At that point I just cracked up. I dunno why. Guess you had to be there.


Btw, speaking of Adrienne, I've always been of the opinion that her vanilla face was just fine. Totally appropriate for a good looking woman who's chosen to be a Smith. A good many of the mods currently on offer do a blanket change to most of the female npcs. For the most part I don't see the need to change Adrienne, but that's likely a matter of personal taste. Sooo, since I didn't like the earlier multi toon facial mods I kept on tweaking around until I came up with a face for Adrienne that was as close to the vanilla as I thought I could get. Between UNP, Navetsea, and so on I finally got back pretty close to her start point. Then I did what I think of as the blanket flirt mod and wound up with general body tweaks that I'm likely gonna get rid of.


Oh well, so it goes in the Bitmap Dollhouse. As you can tell, I'm not a creating modder so I do the best I can with what you folks come up with. For the most part I've got my Skyrim pretty much where I want it for game play and I'm not likely to do a lot of mod adds from here on out...unless the mod enhances immersion through increased interpersonal toon activity.

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