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custom Race request - Moogles


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Ok, it's time to try again, and sorry to those not interested, but each time the question comes up there are usually a good many voices raised in support; just none with the skill to make it happen.


So, let's try again and see if there's any interested souls out there with the ability to make it reality.


Looking for a custom race (or races), being Final Fantasy Moogles.


General precepts would be that they're a diminutive race, generally no more than three to four feet, are highly intelligent, socially genial, and very quick on the uptake for most things. Generally speaking they have an innate leaning and aptitude towards magic and science in equal parts (of the style that might possibly describe magic as another form of science).


In terms of appearance and style, I imagine different people would have different preferences, and it would be nice if options could be made available, such as varying wing/pompom design, depending on which FF game's moogles a player likes most. Personally, I like the wing and pom style of FFXII most, so that's what I would request, but they have changed visually game to game and people like different ones, so if options were possible, that'd be good.


I'm also more a fan of their general form being somewhat anthropomorphised, in TES games at least. There have been iterations of them in Morrowind and Oblivion that did this to varying degrees... I'm personally in favour of retaining humanoid hands and feet, but I know others favour cute over serious and would like the more traditional paws; again if options were possible, this would be another place for them.



This is mainly a conceptual sketch, for anyone interest in the idea; if there's anyone interested in taking this banner up again, let me know, and the details can be hammered out more accurately.


-Harla, moogle at heart

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" There have been iterations of them in Morrowind and Oblivion that did this to varying degrees... I'm personally in favour of retaining humanoid hands and feet, but I know others favour cute over serious and would like the more traditional paws; again if options were possible, this would be another place for them."


Where were these little easter eggs?

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Oh, sorry, not to mislead, I was simply meaning, there ,that there had been versions of this race-mod made for both Morrowind and Oblivion in the past, but there's not been one made for Skyrim yet. Hehe, I wasn't meaning to imply that they'd been easter-egged into the core, unmodded games, no, sorry.


Though for oblivion the project had the ambition plan of essentially creating a world-overhaul that would integrate the race in all over, in an unobtrusive and seamless way, such that coming across one would be rare and easter-egg like, hehe... sadly, it never got completed.

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