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Having a little quest scene/AI issue


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Quick rundown: (and sorry if this seems a little disjointed. typing this with a headache)

npc outside Riverwood, conversation -> combat = dead npc and a note in the loot

read note starts quest and leads to an npc in the inn in Riften

npc in Inn, conversation -> npc walks to a location north of Riften, complete with now enabled map marker

talk to npc once at location, conversation -> start of the hearthfire-style building


Now, not counting the hearthfire stuff which is what I'll be working on next, everything works except for one little thing. Once the npc leads you to the location, the 'hello' dialogue doesn't seem to recognize that the npc is actually where it's supposed to be. The scene I had to make to get the npc to walk to the location has the 'sandbox' ai package on it (tried the 'travel' template, but after arriving at the location, the npc would walk back to the Inn). I can't seem to figure out how to get the npc to get to the location, stay there, and actually realize that it's there.


misc details, fyi: using 'getincurrentloc' in conditions for hello dialogue, location is set in the worlddata/location object list, alias for the location is set in the quest (needed for the objectives target, which does work), has the setstage for the next stage set in the end section of the hello dialogue

Edited by Meridias561
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