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Enchanted Weapons recharge


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I made a little mod for myself where named items have no charges, but do about 80% of the damage, and regular magic weapons deal around 50% damage (up to 66% for higher level weapons), but only use about 1/10 the amount of charges they did before (so they basically last 10 times longer before needing a recharge). I just made the mod last night and haven't done too much with it yet, and I do not have any DLC. But I can maybe post it up (not that I have any idea how ... and I would like to at least test myself first). I have never done any modding before.

well thanks for the effort but what I am actually looking for here is a recharge of the enchanted items little by little, as imo trying to get soul gems, fill them and then use them to refil spoils the fun

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  • 5 months later...

Followers in "Amazing Follower Tweaks" got the ability to recharge wepons if they have charged soulgems in theyr inventory. Maybe that modder can do or help someone to create something similar.

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