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Washed out blacks - Screenshot Inside


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Hey. Recently I've been applying some mods to Skyrim, and very recently I applied an ENB to Skyrim called Zoners High Performance ENB. It's a beautiful ENB, and has very little impact on FPS and etc. Despite this, I've noticed that shadows are very washed out, the blacks are not deep at all, and it's incredibly noticeable during the night. This became apparent after I applied the ENB to Skyrim, but I think I got a similar effect although not as strong before the ENB was applied. I'm not sure what's causing this effect, whether it's to do with the ENB or otherwise and was wondering if any one has experienced this before and can give me some advice to solve the issue?


Here's a screenshot I took to demonstrate the effect during night time on Skyrim, it seems that the screenshot itself is somehow darker than what I was seeing in game at the time, although you can see some sort of interference, or "blocky-ness" in and around the shadows:




Thanks, any help's appreciated!

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