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Windows 64 bit modding


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I recently upgraded to windows 64 bit and I have now noticed that skyrim is installed to program filesx86 and all my mods were created when i used windows 32 bit and they all pointed to the program files directory. will I now have to change all my mods meshes and texture paths to point to program filesx86 now??? and If i do does that mean my mods wont work for people who have windows 32 bit ????? Edited by morrowind1979
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Nah, texture paths and meshes should show fine in-game, even if the path is completely different.


But you could test it easily, just load mesh in CK to see if it has correct textures.



Yeah seems to be working okay. I'll find out once i release some updates on the comments page lol

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Skyrim and every other current game is still a 32 bit program - they do not take advantage of the real power of a 64 bit computer. As long as nearly every game is a port from a 32 bit console I wouldn't expect to see a real 64 bit game for a while.
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