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KL-E-O Follower and Romance mod


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Hello, I really need a mod that allows you to romance kl-e-o an make her a companion, maybe modifying her like this https://i.imgur.com/Gu6da3O.png (FoRgEeT WhAt I sAiD), but anyways, not just a mod that allows you to make her follow you, a mod that have multiple exclusive dialogues, a romance option, a companion quest (I have some ideas if u want to do that) and etc. I want really voiced dialogues, but an actor isn't really needed, I saw some months ago a nexus or reddit post of a guy that made a software that mimic voices and dialogues in a realistic way for skyrim modders, and I think it could be used for fo4 too. If any good modder that knows how to make a full companion mod or that have huge modding knowledge wants to make this or if you know a good modder (can be from nv, fo3 and skyrim and oblivion) please say and we will discuss the details.


This community is awaiting for this mod since the release of fallout 4

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