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A Few Simple, Really Useful Mod Requests


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Hey there y'all! Hope everyone out there's loving Fallout 3 as much as I am!


I'm hoping there might be some technically experienced people out there in the mod community who could create any or all of the following requests. To me, they don't sound too hard to implement, but are the sort of small tweak that personally would make quite a big difference to my enjoyment:


1) Binoculars - I've seen this mentioned in a few places already, but no sign of any made yet. Even if they have to have the same magnification as the sniper rifle's scope, it would be really useful for scoping out areas. it's not that the game requires a lot of recon, but that's the style of play I like.


2) No friendly targets in VATS - I like having Dogmeat with me, but since he runs from me toward my target, he's usually the first thing VATS targets. I know it's all paused so I've got plenty of time to re-target, but since I've no intention of shooting any friendlies via VATs, could this be made? (After all, if I did want to attack a friendly NPC, I only have to aggro them first).


3) Dogmeat to avoid Grenades - One thing that drives me mad most often; because Dogmeat's a fast runner, if I enter VATS and throw a couple of grenades it's guarantee-able he'll get hurt by them too. Would it be possible to 'program' Dogmeat's AI to "Avoid grenades", i.e. to prioritise grenade explosion avoidance OVER attacking mobs?


Aside form someone getting around to making some decent nude male textures instead of only naked girls everywhere, these three requests would make my day.

N.B. I'm using (and enjoying) the ImprovedDogmeat mod, and would like to continue to do so, so I hope it'd be possible to manage the third request without conflict?


Much love to all, and Merry Christmas to those who care!


PjhN x

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