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Proposal for new Nexus option: Mod evolution explained by the author


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What does that 'Mod evolution explained by the Author' mean?

Its just a first idea of a name, maybe there will be a more handsome name for it.


It should be a space where the Author can write all about the development of his mod, from the start of the idea, what knowledge he had before, what he did to realize the mod, especially the fails and dead ends, and finally how he got the mod done. This can be in short words, or very detailed, just as the author wants to do it. Of course, detailed promises to be more interesting :smile:


It is based on following thoughts:

1) When a mod is published, no one but the mod author can really appreciate how much work and time was put in the mod, especially the testing and the fails and dead ends. This gives the users of the mod the opportunity to appreciate the real work that was put into the mod.


2) If a modder describes how he approached his mod, other modders can learn and produce better mods with this knowledge, and maybe non modding users will get interested to make mods themselves.


3) Of course no modder should be forced to do this, if he want to keep his ideas or tricks secret its ok, everyone as he wants.


4) Where should this "mod evolution" appear? There are different possibilities, maybe in a spoiler at the end of mod description, or in an extra tab, or whatever.



With this post I want to ask modders and non modders (=mod users) if this is an interesting option, and if it makes sense to think further about this.


I am looking forward to your comments :smile:




oh boy... the evolution of double D breast followers by Asherz. I'm not sure if it will be a tragedy or comedy. :laugh:


well okay i'm in, thanks for the suggestion :smile:

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