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A request


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I'm working on a mod, and I need an existing piece from the creation kit to be modified a bit. Alas, I'm not so great with model editting, and so I need a modders help


There are the "Spatio" pieces in the creation kit

I would love it if someone was to take the piece "Spatiowall01" (just the patio's fence \ wall thingy), and make one aditional stand-alone piece which is half the original piece. Basically, right now it's shaped like so: |---|---|

But I want this: |---|


And possible another one with both "columns" on either side removed, so it'll just be a clean wall piece (if possible, make the edges textured, where the columns "used" to be, instead of a see-through hole).


Anyways, that's it, I would really appreciate it if someone would help me out, although I don't know how to remodel it myself, I'm pretty sure it's a fairly simple little thing to do, and shouldnt be too much trouble.


My mod is a new city (LOOOOONG story) in-game, and when (or if, when it's finally done) I'll publish the mod, I'll add the piece into it (with a notice in advance of course), along with credit to the helper :>


Happy moddin'!! =D

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