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Book Organizer ?


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Hi Folks aka Mod Creators/Authors.


I don't have the skills necessary for creating and contributing new Mods.

As such, I am grateful to all of you that devote your time to creating great and helpful mods for Skyrim.


I have been looking for a mod that will help me/us determine if a Book has already been read yet And/Or tell us whether any book has already been picked up.


Because there are so many books in Skyrim and I have so many of them (stored in a cupboard at my home), I have discovered that I have multiple copies of some books.

I believe I have read the majority of them, but I have no way of knowing.

It would be great if there already was an available mod OR that someone would consider creating a mode that will do as described above.


Mostly, I need a Mod that will help me determine the following:

a) Do I already have "X" Book ?


b) Have I already Read said book ?



Thanks in Advance for any helpful replies or offers to create such a mod.

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