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Making NPCs follow me.


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Hi. I have a problem trying to make NPCs follow me through doors. I'm not talking about NPCs I've made myself, but existing ones from the game. I want one to follow while he is carrying a certain object.


I've made an object that has a script similar to the following:


ref target
begin gamemode
 set target to getContainer
 if target != 0
   if target.getIsCurrentPackage myFollowPackage == 0
     target.addScriptPackage myFollowPackage 


myFollowPackage is a follow package set up with IIRC no flags set.


The NPC will follow me around just fine, but won't follow me through doors. Sometimes if I exit the door again the NPC will be wainting outside, sometimes not. If the NPC is waiting outside he often goes on a bit of a run then comes back to me (like a pathfinding bug).


I have tried removing the follow from all factions, and setting as a teammate, but neither of these seems to help. :wallbash:


Can anyone offer me any advice on this?

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