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Colonel Autumn Power armor/outfit


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Personally, I think Autumn's trench coat looks pretty bad-ass... and the same can be said for the Enclave Power Armor. I figure, why not make a special suit for Autumn that combines his trench coat with a suit of Enclave Power Armor (Non-Telsa please). But unfortunately Bethesda pulled that %&$!-move in Oblivion that got rid of all the different layers of clothing that were available in Morrowind. I liked being able to wear a robe and have shoulder pauldrons over the robe, it made for a good battle-mage. All of the pieces of the puzzle are provided with the game, but I don't have the 3D modeling skills to splice the boots and pauldrons from the Enclave Armor and put it over Autumn's trench coat.



It might just be me... or someone might have already posted this idea... (if they did I'm sorry but I couldn't find a thread like this)

Meh...I took a screenshot of the outfits side-by side, Im having doubts about it looking awesome, but It still seems realistic for the game.

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