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Questing: Haven't done this for a while, some help please.

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So I made a quest something I haven't done for some time and I can't get it to start.

Quest is - Start Game Enabled, Main Quest, Priority 30, Run Once, Stages 0. 10. 20. Stage 10 script SetObjectiveDisplayed(10), Stage 10 objective "Do this thing", no target ref.

Quest should start with a note. Tried default onOpen setstage script, tried default onRead setstage script - nothing happens.

Been a while so what am I missing here?

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1) You don't need the quest to be "Start Game Enabled", this option is only for quests or quest related things like random dialogues and other, i suggest you research this and do not seek your answer on 'YouTube' tutorials.

2) 'Priority' and 'Run Once' are not necessary, they are also use on specialize circumstances, do not check 'Run Once', i suggest you research this and do not seek your answer on 'YouTube' tutorials.

3) 'Notes' are well known to be bugged when it comes to start a quest, sometimes they won't even change stage if the quest has already started.

I had this issue with ACT II start quest, i wanted the quest to start with a 'Note', but the stupid note was not reliable, sometimes it would start some others not, so i change it to journal and all problems stoped !.

4) If you have a 'SEQ' file you need to update the SEQ file each time you make a new quest or change something in a quest.

'SEQ' files are needed for start quest through a dialogue, but if you have already a SEQ file it will affect the other quests even if they dont start from a dialogue.

I hope it helps.

Edited by maxarturo
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