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Dynamic Atributes


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Dear community,


I would very much appreciate some help with the conception of a mod I have been thinking of.

I absolutely loathe irreversible character choices. Therefore I was never a fan of the choice you have to make each level-up, regarding which energy to increase (Health, Magicka, or Stamina).


Therefore I propose the following; How about a mod that makes your energy levels depend on your proficiency in different areas of expertise. There are six attribute of each kind. What if a script took the average of each group, multiplied it by eight, and dumped the resulting value into the appropriate energy pool?

The reason for the multiplication, is that the max level is eighty, so at maximum eighty times ten (or a hundred times eight), can be put into a single pool. I realize that this way, a character will eventually end up with the maximum value in no less than all three of his energy pools, but that is exactly what I want, even though it might seem a little cheaty.

I also realize that this will make the energy pool values of a character separate from actual character level.


I imagine a script that removes the player selected bonuses, and then distributes the appropriate bonuses according to the formula above. However, I have no idea how to compose such a script, and that is what I’m asking help for. I have no problem with the fact that I might have to program this mod myself, but I will need a little help to get started.


Also, I suppose that the player should still choose a bonus on level-up, even though it is irrelevant, as one might choose to remove the mod one day, and thus, having no bonuses at all would not be nice.

But I don’t know.


I have a limited understanding of the Creation Kit, but I have not scripted before.


Thank you.

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