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A few questions regarding a tropical islands mod


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Hello, I have been working on a medium scale tropical mod that will have palm trees, tropical water, a few towns, and nice warm beaches.


Since I'm somewhat new to creation kit I have a few questions


Q1. I have been importing a few meshes and textures from Illianas arid climate resource mod (originally intended for oblivion) to skyrim, but when I paint the landscape using for example the desert sand, the texture is super bright that you can't even see it. How do I fix this?


Q2. The water in Skyrim is too dark for my tropical tastes, it it possible to find some tropical water textures to replace the current textures in just one world's page and have it be animated? If yes, how would I do that?


Q3. This is a rather broad question. How do I use the regions tool to fill up the world space with palm trees, plants, and rocks?

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