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Walking through follower help


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What follower related mods do you have installed? I have the same behavior, but I am suspicious that it's not a bug but rather a feature to prevent followers from getting in the way. You might have noticed that it only affects followers? I cannot finger a specific mod at the moment.

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Yesterday I deleted everything and did a fresh install. Not only did I fix this but also fixed a physics problem I had.
At this point I have no idea what caused it or what fixed it.


I like when I cannot walk through them. Wish I knew what actually caused and fixed it.

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Wish I knew what actually caused and fixed it.

So now do I, given that I know it's not intended behavior and might be a symptom of other related problems, like the physics problem you didn't specify (I have some minor ones too). I'm not so motivated that I'm going to tear down my entire 432-strong mod list to bare metal to answer the question, but maybe I'd reinstall a few targeted ones if I had a better idea who the suspects are.


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