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Custom NPCs attacking me after Dialogue


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I am setting up a simple quest where I have one NPC find me and ask me to help her husband. This gets kicked of by an activator being loaded, so it's like she can see me and she runs to ask me for help. She says a few lines and at the end of dialogue a map marker is revealed (in front of Goodsprings Cave, the coyotes are disabled--no worries), and she runs back to guard her husband. This is done with a Guard Package pointed at him.


The husband is setup to use a FloorSitMarker until he is healed. This is accomplished with a Travel Package and a quest variable. (He is still able to get up and attack though. Anyone know how fix that?)


After talking to the husband, the husband and wife start attacking. I have no idea why. Does anyone know what can cause this?


The NPCs are in their own faction and with track crime checked and Ally to their own faction and GoodspringsMilitiaFaction, Neutral with GoodspringsAnimalFaction and GoodspringsBighornerFaction, as well as Friend with NCRFactionNV and GoodspringsFaction. As for AI Data, wife is Unaggressive\Neutral\Cautious, husband is Unaggressive\Pleasant\Cautious.


I am testing this with a level 1 character who just stepped out of the Doc's house. The save is from before I started testing the mod.

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is it a possibility the NPCs you fight on the quest are related to them by faction? Or you picked up something like vampireism that causes them to fear you?


I am using a fresh character. I have done nothing with him. I though about setting up another character in case it had something to do with selecting the White Legs race.


I had another look at the wife's Guard Package. I tried unchecking the Warn/Attack Behavior. I also used pointed the wife to an xmarker instead of the husband. Now I am not getting the problem. I am guessing it was the Warn/Attack Behavior.


Edit: I tested it again with the Guard Package pointed at an xmarker and the Warn/Attack behavior enabled. I didn't get attacked. Maybe it was the fact that she was set to guard her husband and I talked to him. Weird. I waited for 24 hours, after talking to him.


Edit Again: I just had to do a thorough testing of this issue. I pointed the Guard Package back to the husband and they attack me after I talk to him.

Edited by trilioth
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