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Ride Sharing LE Troubleshooting


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Can anyone explain how to turn on verbose debugging so I can track down the error I'm having with Ride Sharing LE? It's doesn't crash the game or anything horrible, it just doesn't work.


I've got Papyrus logging turned on, but the mod fails before making any calls so I can't see where it's failing. I would settle for just seeing any logged activity related to it.

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Fair enough, requires more explanation. I converted the LE mod to SE because the author only published the latest changes to their LE version. Also, I've used this mod successfully on previous playthrough's. It's a problem associated with some modifications to horse riding, movement animations, nemesis or fins, player inventory items, or a few other possibilities.

How do you debug a mod? Where can I get verbose logging to see where scripting events are not being called when they should be?

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