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Help with shader effect mod


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I have 2 question related to effect shaders.


First, I'm trying to modify my glowing items mod, so that when an item is equipped the selected items will glow.


Scriptname aaaglowingitems extends ObjectReference

{onequip add shader effect}


effect shader Property CoinPurseLarge auto I know this is wrong.


Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)

If (akActor == Game.GetPlayer())

Game.GetPlayer().aaaaglowingitems.Play(CoinPurseLarge, 5.0)




This is the script I'm working on, but I have very little experience with scripting. can someone help me with this.


Second, how do I create an effect shader that only applies a skin over the coin purse in the above script .

Edited by bwins95
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