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How do i add new topics in CECK


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I'm still learning how to use GECk.


i'm trying to write a dialogue for my new npc.


but i dont know how to add a new topic.


right-clicked under Editor-Id (Quest->Topics Tab)and clicked Add topic ,and there was a topics list ...


what should i do now? I dare not edit a topic which has already been used in game.

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Right click on an area of the list of topics that comes up and select new.


Thanks. I think i have already made a mistake. I selected a topic(aboutbrotherhood1) from list,and smoehow changed its ID and content,and Saved!


now all those dialogues used the topic "AboutBrotherhood1"in FOT3 has been repalced by my "New topic"




i guess i have a problem .There are lots of stuffs including two major buildings in my mod...


I have to find a way to fixed the problem

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Right click on an area of the list of topics that comes up and select new.


Thanks. I think i have already made a mistake. I selected a topic(aboutbrotherhood1) from list,and smoehow changed its ID and content,and Saved!


now all those dialogues used the topic "AboutBrotherhood1"in FOT3 has been repalced by my "New topic"




i guess i have a problem .There are lots of stuffs including two major buildings in my mod...


I have to find a way to fixed the problem


Open your mod ESP in FO3Edit or FOMM Plugin Manager and delete the quest topic entries.

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