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SKSE for Dragonborn?


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The point isn't what the update was, it is that it changed the number that SKSE reads and so SKSE doesn't load. Stop attacking people and saying they can't read when it is obvious to most people that ANY update will change the version number. Since SKSE is made to detect that, this is obviously an issue.


If the load order is what is messing up then that is still an issue for enough people that it deserves an answer on here, not insults and other childish nonsense.


How is updating the HighResTexturePack01.esp/bsa, HighResTexturePack02.esp/bsa, and adding HighResTexturePack03.esp/bsa changing the version number?


Especially considering it's a completely free optional file that is not required to play the game and according to the BethBlog they only recommend it on higher end systems. I don't see how any of this would affect SKSE's ability to function.

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Hallo liebe Skyrim-Spieler


Ich hab da ein Problem und hoffe daß mir hier vielleicht weitergeholfen werden kann.


Also ich spiele das Spiel jetzt schon (wie sicherlich fast Alle hier) seit über einem Jahr, habe mittlerweile ein paar Mods drauf...das meiste sind Rüstungen, aber auch so Sachen Wie SkyUI, SkyMoMod, Realistig Lighting Overhaul, UFO... und noch so einge andere...

Also bis jetzt lief ja alles ganz gut, auch mit Dawnguard und HearthFire. Jetzt hab ich den neuen DLC Dragonborn, und wenn ich nun mit dem Schiff nach Solstheim fahre dann geht das da nichtmehr weiter... ich komme zwar dort im Hafen an und der gute Captain sagt mir auch daß wir angekommen sind...bla bla bla, aber ich kann da irgendwie garnixmehr machen, ich sehe halt nur den Hafen, weder meinen Charakter, noch das Schiff und den Captain... und ich kann einfach garnichts machen... Habe es auch schon versucht wenn ich alle meine Mods deaktiviere...sogar die ganzen Rüstungen... Aber es geht einfach nicht...

Hat hier vielleicht jemand eine Ahnung woran das nun liegen könnte? Ist echt zum Verzweifeln :(

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i dont know whats wrong but i cant play skyrim since the update :(

i dont have the high res pack and i didnt update anything else

played, updated, wanted to play again, ctd before i can load a game :(((


EDIT: now it works :) only my horse is gone :-/


what ive done: ran boss and because of installing dragonborn all dirty edits in update.esm, heartfire.esm and so on were there. ive cleaned all necessary files and now skyrim worked 30 minutes without a problem

Edited by Pestplatte
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ZOMG people stop calling this download an "update" an update leads you to assume they changed something from the vanilla game but they didn't change anything all they did was make high-res textures for high end computers. its not an UPDATE its optional textures. if this download changed the way the dragons behaved or changed anything about the game other than a visual boost then sure i'd say this is an update but it doesn't change the games version number, and it doesn't change gameplay in any way shape or form. its not an UPDATE because updates are required by law practially to play the dam game because UPDATES contain bug fixes and issue resolutions and possibly small ammounts of new content but this doesn't do any of those things at all. it doesn't add new content, it doesn't fix issues with the current version of the game or bugs. so its not an update.


in short. updates replace older versions of the files.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know about you guys, but whatever the update was, it screwed it up for me. I don't use Bethesda's HQ Textures (I don't even have it installed), and after the latest auto-update, SkyUI does not function properly and gives me the error that I have the wrong version of SKSE installed...

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  • 4 weeks later...

fms1, on 04 Feb 2013 - 15:21, said:

Someone else said that the 1.8 patch was for Dragonborn, if so SKSE is already availible.

To run dragaon born you do need at least runtime: 1.8.151 (so SKSE 1.6.3 - 1.6.9 will work) or a later version of skse (with skyrim updated to the runtime version needed)


EDIT: SKSE 1.6.13 works with version: (TESV.exe modification date: 3/20/2013)

-- so issues with 'skse' and Feb 6. update are no longer an issue...

This includes:

  • the vanilla game (modded or unmodded)
  • Heathfire (same as above)
  • Dawnguard (same as above)
  • Dragonborn (same as above)
Edited by NeoH4x0r
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After a full reinstall, up to date Skyrim, SKSE, and SkyUI mods, I still get the "Error Code 1" message from SkyUI telling me that I have the wrong version of SKSE or whatever. Everything seems to work fine, except the "drop", "equip", etc keys at the bottom of the item menu have some odd characters and list the assigned key as "????".


What's up with this? None of this ever happened before the last couple Skyrim patches. Clearly there's still some kind of an issue for some users...

Edited by Idiotekque
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