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lol 2girl, but this is not relevant to halo conversion.


you have to take it to the off topic forum, although it seems like it's not working properly right now.


edit: he does rip, he does do that, but by any means that does not make him indecent, or wrong.

even when you make something with reference or copying something then make it different

it does not meant that he lacks the skill to do so.


now please as a mature person get back to talk with a level of politeness as you can still clearly

make your point while talking politely.


edit: i've seen what DEElekgolo can do also and all im saying is that we can still talk about stuff but maintain

the universal politeness. also, i'm saying that he does posses the means to be a good modeler.

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2girls1cup = DEElekgolo

DGhost = DEElekgolo

Neither vray or mental ray even apply to game models. no need to rip up peoples posts with rudeness and vulgarity for no reason.

talk about immature.

and he does model and texture, i guess you never looked at his site.

can someone ban this fool and his 3 accounts already and end this train wreck. Thread needs a cleanup

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Im not dee, i dont want to be, nor am i dghost, i just chose a random forum to get banned from today

Then I shall be happy to oblige your request.


Bye now.



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I am closing this for a little thread cleanup and a bannin or several as I have not decided yet.


I am also resolving IP addresses, 2girls1cup is history here. Multiple accounts will be banned out of hand, violations of the sites rules.


I am cleaning out the trash at present, if you make an accusation of a ripoff, do it in a pm to either myself to LHammonds and provide links to the original meshes and it will be investigated and a determination made.


Cleanup done, some editing and deleting of off topic remarks. Let us try and be civil, a revisit by myself or another staff member will have unpleasant results.



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owned. :facepunch:


I just visited your site, nice.


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Thanks Buddah. Saw that unfold while I was at work, but felt no need to defend myself to that rabble, there's no point getting involved in petty childish nonsense when it will all be cleaned up in the end.


Im going to be ceasing to post any further news or updates about my BF2142 and Halo3 projects. I will continue the projects on my own and they will be released through other means when I'm done. I do own 2 websites and have many, many outlets for the content once its done.


(following is a rant about reusing game assets.)

(NOTE: I understand the rules of F03Nexus and will not fight them, I totally understand and respect the rules. I never expected any special treatment.)


As stated before, I work with the guys who made BF2142 (ex members of DICE that was disbanded when the DICE canada studio dissolved), and they know what im doing with those assets and could care less. Sadly, its not up to the artists, Its a matter of the publishers wanting their cut of the money for things their artists worked on, and until publishers slap me with cease and desist orders, im going to keep on keeping on in private. Hell, if they dont like it, ill make those two mods for my own personal use and keep them only on my HDD.


If anything its free advertising, but legal matters aside, I know the rules here at F03Nexus and never had any far fetched hopes of having the mods available here. This was more of an open journal for my modding in the same way Vashts (respect!) did it, able to get attention to the project and get advice etc.


To critics of re-using assets from other games, I dont "Rip and port" content. Thats what any monkey can do. Everyone knows its not that easy for Fallout 3. Nifskope is a beast all unto itself and if anyone can wade through that mess and come out alive more power to them. Its a matter of extracting, processing, enhancing and re-releasing the content, not just straight ports. For example, not a single weapon from BF2142 had normal maps, those had to be generated by me, not hard, but still original content. Additionally all the BF2142 weapons LOD 0 models are half-deleted to save polys in that game, and must be rebuilt from that assymmetrical horrible mess, using elbow grease and alot of hard work, not just 'the symmetry modifier' and 'make good button'. Usually to rebuild a partial mesh that looks near-flawless in the end could take upwards of 15-19 hours straight sitting in max cranking out the polies. Did I make the models from scratch? no. Definitely not. But I did put in my time and made them useable again :)


I said I wouldnt defend myself, but I guess I lied. heh.


People have seen my site and know that I can model, texture, generate original content or enhance existing content (via means other than 'just turbosmooth' tyvm (sub-d modelling is a science) The problem I face is the question of asking... why? If i were to sit down today and remodel all 24 of BF2142's next-gen weapons poly-per-poly, picking up where they left off and completing the assets as they were meant to be, creating fully functional and nearly Indistinguishable replicas including textures.... What would it get me? It would take me over a year, then People would accuse me of ripping it anyways, because it would look identical...Why waste my time?

Lets look at it this way. If i wanted to feature the Mona Lisa in my Encyclopedia I was making, Why waste time painting a replica mona lisa for each page in an Encyclopedia featuring the painting, (from scratch with oil paints and everything) when you can just photocopy it? Using that analogy, im not even selling the Encyclopedia anyways so there is no monetary transaction being made, if anything, more free advertising... waste of time. Even if i DID make it look JUST like the original, accusations would fly of replication anyways =P Its a no-win scenario.


So the question remains, why not make original content myself? Well, i did a little of that, but right now I want to pay respect, Homage if you will, to the artists who came before me and spent their hard-earned time making weapons and armor assets for other games, that now sadly sit on shelves collecting dust, long forgotten, because those games have come and gone. Now is the time for revival, now we must rediscover just how great those things really were, bring them to the spotlight again and have another go! (/end Braveheart speech)


If you want to follow along with my original 2d/3d works you know where to find my site.

If you want to follow along with my Halo or BF2142 into F3 projects... keep your lil antennas up and listen on the wind. When its done, youll hear about it and you'll know it.


Future extract/cleanup/process/reimport projects for F3 include... Gears of War (suits/weapons), Metroid (suit and hand-weapon), Crysis suit to name a few. Ive got my hands full for the next 2 years, but I refuse all help and want to do it myself, because Im stubborn like that. If someone makes GoW, Halo, BF2142, Metroid or Crysis into Fallout 3 mods before me. Grats. Ill still be making mine.


Additionally i also planned on remaking some of the original Fallout 1 and 2 weapons and armor for F3, as I felt they should have been made. On the list is (my version of) the HKG11e, Grease Gun and Plasma Pistol. No offence to those who made the remakes already, but I just like doing things myself. :)

On the (nearly endless) list is a replica of the 'Bug' looking Enclave armor from Fallout 2 (the one worn by the guy on the title screen). I felt the enclave armor from F3 is weird and doesnt seem to look the way I expected, so ill be working on that (someday)


Like I said, hands full, but im happy, and im learning every day. I thought F3 modding would be easier, but it has a steeper-than-expected learning curve, but that wont stop me, nobody will! I modded oldschool games 7 years ago, everything up to (and a bit beyond) UT3. even with all of that experience under my belt, Nifskope still makes me cry like a little girl when it just randomly doesn't work. Its not the program at fault however, just the lack of documentation due in part to the fact that the software is all open source and all fairly experimental. I always loved a challenge. Kudos to the Niftools/Nifskope guys :)


/end lecture


PS. Community support here is awesome, I love you guys and I'll be around, but dont expect regular updates on these 'verboten' mods :) (No hard feelings towards anyone including mods and site owners, I respect the rules and understand them, I know why they are in place and I wont argue or put up a fight. The site here is awesome and it boasts a great community and something to be proud of, and to protect. Give kudos to your mods and site owners when you get time :)


PPS. I do know Mental Ray and played around with Vray, but like someone said above, they dont apply to games, so why bother =P. Makes for some nice renders, but I'd rather not sit around for 10-60 minutes for one single frame to see if something looks right when I can just use my custom Advanced Raytraced light rig with a Catmull Rom filtered render, that Gets the job done instantly and still looks sharp. Just have to know basic lighting theory and how to control your lights to get the results you want.

Vray/Mental ray is not a 'make good button'. If you lack basic skills it will only add polish to something with structural flaws, making the inconsistencies and mistakes all the more obvious. I went through my Zbrush-obsession stage too, but that only held my interest for so long. Anyone can make a zbrush sculpt with enough time and patience. The real questions arent so much 'how much detail do you have the patience to cram in', but 'what kind of detail can your eyes see, before you can replicate said details'


Before one can learn to Draw, they must learn to see.

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