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Halo + Fallout =


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(( Soon.

Didnt make the contest deadline because of work being insanely busy. Ironically as soon as the contest day passed, work slowed down so much that now I almost have too much free time :)

Managed to push 3 test weapons for my bf2142 mod out, 4th coming very soon, perhaps tonight *knocks on wood*




Test copy of 3 partially finished BF2142 weapons for Fallout 3:

BF2142 - Test Weapons 3Pack

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Oh, I downloaded the test weapons. hmm should have read the readme, no idea how to get. Never mind I did but i don't know the first two numbers. When people don't set those numbers they should really tell people how to find them. How do you find them?
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Oh, I downloaded the test weapons. hmm should have read the readme, no idea how to get. Never mind I did but i don't know the first two numbers. When people don't set those numbers they should really tell people how to find them. How do you find them?



and ppl downloading TEST weapons should rly have at least a BASIC clue about how mods work.

You could also at least use a "PLEASE". Just cause its the internet it doesn't mean that good manners aren't necessary.

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If you load up the GECK, enable the plugins you will be using in your game (Data Files) turn all the ones on that you will use in game


open the Weapons list and examine the Lambert, Scar and Verdict. Click 'Preview' the ItemID codes are displayed along the top of that window. (assuming you have all the plugins loaded that you will be using in game, your ingame 'player.placeatme 01000ea7' etc should correspond properly)


if you load up different mods, the codes change. So load the same ones up in Geck and check the numbers, then load the same ones up in game

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I just read all 20 pages (took a while).

Can't wait for the Halo stuff.

Getting my new computer & Fallout 3 sometime this summer.

Your Halo mod will be probably one of the first mods I download,

that is, if it is done by then.


Great work, big Halo series fan.



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