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Halo + Fallout =


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no news :) been contemplating releasing the Halo2 spartan helmet since thats an easy job though...


I tried unsucessfully to find a way to open up Halo3 assets that I extracted, so far the 3 or 4 programs I got a hold of could only seem to view the assets statistics and info, none allowed me to view them.... o.o


I havent abandoned the project, just put on hold while I concentrate on bf2142 stuff for a while :)


It WILL get done though.

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i could like, y'know. not release it once im done. Im not doing these mods for anyone but myself. Im only releasing what I make because I figure someone might like it


when it gets done, it will be done


I do have a job and that takes 90% of my time. If i was paid, id mod all the time :)

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Don't let the impatient ones get ya down, Skree... I'm not a huge HALO of BF2142 fan, and I can't wait to see them all in-game.


Heck, I've never even played BF2142, and I played HALO1, for the first time, less than 6mos ago on the PC, because it was dirt cheap and everyone said that the series was the greatest EVAR (their spelling, not mine). Then I got to see that HALO2 is Vista-required, and HALO3 will likely never see PC release... Bah. (And I really did/do want to see the storyline through the series, I really was hooked, there... but Microshaft got a burr in their tuchus about trying to shift gaming away from the PC, so I guess I'll just have to leave it behind.)


Keep on chugging on your projects, and we'll be here to 'ooh' and 'ahh', and cry to the heavens when they are released. Intil then, we just 'ooh' and 'ahh' at your updates, and wait for the day to come. (some more patiently than others... heheheh)

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Don't let the impatient ones get ya down, Skree...


Yeah sorry about that earlier post, I just saw this post for the first time and I'm really looking forward to this mod. I thought you were close to a release or something, thats why I was impatient.


Again, good luck with the mod.

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How are you planning on implementing the gear into the game?

Some kind of quest or something?

I think it would be pretty interesting to include the Flood in some capacity. The Covenant are really a stretch on the lore and the style of Fallout, but the Flood could work.

Imagine some horribly mutated parasites designed to administer the FEV virus to living subjects, and these monsters were tucked away in some foreboding underground facility. Most of the base personnel (Enclave/Vault Tec?) would be infected. The various Halo equipment you are working on could be earned by a firefight through the base.

Anyway, I know it is requesting more to your already daunting list of things to accomplish and I don't know what you think f the idea, but it'd be sweet to fry some Flood with lasers!

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if you read the thread, the answers will be revealed :)


the reason the thread is so long is every few days someone else asks the same questions, and they get the same answers, thus adding more filler to an otherwise simple thread. Read it through start to finish and if you still have curiosities and questions id be happy to answer em :)


thanks for your interest.


ps. when this mod is ready for testing, or in any way-shape or form downloadable, you will know about it. The front page will indicate such, first sentence or two

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