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Never Modded before, need help with load order and a few other things.


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So, while I get the gist of modding, I've never been in a situation to do it before. Now I have a computer that can and I sort of jumped off the deep end and broke all the things. I get a lot of Big Red Exclamations (partly from the known GOTY issue), and after running Archive Invalidation Invalidated, have a tendency to crash. Not sure if its mods or load order or how I installed them or what. So, here's my current load order:


1. Fallout3.esm

2. Anchorage.esm

3. ThePitt.esm

4. BrokenSteel.esm

5. PointLookout.esm

6. Zeta.esm

7. StreetLights.esm

8. HairPack.esm

9. CALIBR.esm

10. FOOK2 - Main.esm

11. FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esm

12. UPP - Pack 1.esp

13. BlackWolf Backpack.esp

14. BlackWolf Backpack - Vendor Replinsh.esp

15. BlackWolf - Blank's Container Patch.esp

16. SniperZooming.esp

17. FOOK2 - Main.esp

18. FOOK2 - [DlK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp

19. F3ProjectRealityMkI.esp


Before adding anything else or finishing some of the ones I've started, I want to know all the stuff I've inevitably done wrong. I have FOSE, I run the NMM and I have BOSS, just in case. I just can't figure this whole modding thing out.

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So, while I get the gist of modding, I've never been in a situation to do it before. Now I have a computer that can and I sort of jumped off the deep end and broke all the things. I get a lot of Big Red Exclamations (partly from the known GOTY issue), and after running Archive Invalidation Invalidated, have a tendency to crash. Not sure if its mods or load order or how I installed them or what. So, here's my current load order:


1. Fallout3.esm

2. Anchorage.esm

3. ThePitt.esm

4. BrokenSteel.esm

5. PointLookout.esm

6. Zeta.esm

7. StreetLights.esm

8. HairPack.esm

9. CALIBR.esm

10. FOOK2 - Main.esm

11. FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esm

12. UPP - Pack 1.esp

13. BlackWolf Backpack.esp

14. BlackWolf Backpack - Vendor Replinsh.esp

15. BlackWolf - Blank's Container Patch.esp

16. SniperZooming.esp

17. FOOK2 - Main.esp

18. FOOK2 - [DlK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp

19. F3ProjectRealityMkI.esp


Before adding anything else or finishing some of the ones I've started, I want to know all the stuff I've inevitably done wrong. I have FOSE, I run the NMM and I have BOSS, just in case. I just can't figure this whole modding thing out.


First of all, you only have Pack 1 of UPP. With my version I have Pack 1 and Pack 2. Streetlights mod should always be loaded before Broken Steel. I have my streetlights mod before all of my DLC just in case. You might have installed BOSS, but did you run it (doesn't look like you did)? Also make sure that with whatever mod loader you're using, that it doesn't Lock the load order after it is done (this stops BOSS from working its magic). Look int


My best friend installs all his mods with NMM, but I personally have never trusted it ever since NMM f***ed with my Oblivion. I would use FOMM to install the mods. Are you starting the game with fose_loader?


Also, this is a problem. Here in your load order you have:


10. FOOK2 - Main.esm

11. FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esm


But a few mods later you have


17. FOOK2 - Main.esp

18. FOOK2 - [DlK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp


This is a duplicate mod issue here, and is probably causing some of your problems. If either of those are updates, they should have overwritten the other files. If they're the same thing then just remove one of those pairs of mods. Try changing all this stuff and see if your game works. Ironically I am also having trouble with my fallout but I'm a little more advanced with mods and it has even me stumped. (Hoping that helping other people with their problems would bring some of the karma back my way. Haha.)


EDIT: If you did run boss, make sure to read over the Log it gives you and make sure there are no warnings.

Edited by pocmin
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