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bow casting


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indeed think about it like this. the bow is equipped to your RIGHT hand as the bow itself even though in the inventory it says L and R hands are in use. the ARROWS are also then equipped but has no "hand" left OR right yet you pull the string and hold the arrow with your left hand. so technically speaking the bow is in your right hand on its own and the arrow and STRING to the bow are in your LEFT hand. thus you can't cast any spells while holding said bow. HOWEVER there is a mod that adds enchanted arrows called Zamfirs Archery Emporium and Arsenal




the arrows basically work like normal arrows with instant spell casts attached to them. so if its an arrow with ICEBOLT then it'll act as if you cast icebolt when you fire the arrow. the arrows themself are a tad bit cheap for how powerful they are but theyre custom arrows with unique looks and very good to have in your quiver when you need em. only problem with this mod is it isn't supported by the personal quiver mod that lets you choose your own quiver for all arrow types. >w<;;

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