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Setting the journal after waiting a day

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I want to set the journal after waiting one or more days if possible. I found out about the WaitOneDay script but I don't know how to use it. setting a timer also doesn't seem to work (one day would be 60 seconds x 60 minutes x 24 hours = 86400) I suppose the timer can't count this high.


Here is the WaitOneDay script down below, can anyone explain?



Begin WaitOneDay

short currentDay
short localdaysPassed
Short NoLore ;blocks discussion of general topics

if ( currentDay != Day )
;assume that the day has gone up, not down or something...
set currentDay to Day
set localdaysPassed to localdaysPassed + 1



Below is my script



Begin "ABE_SelvaynScript"

short currentDay
short localdaysPassed
Short NoLore ;blocks discussion of general topics

if ( currentDay != Day )
;assume that the day has gone up, not down or something...
set currentDay to Day
set localdaysPassed to localdaysPassed + 1
Elseif (localdaysPassed == 1)
Journal "ABE_TDoaM" 30
stopscript "ABE_SelvaynScript"




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