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Grateful Travelers!


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I don't know about you guys, but when I see a group of travelers (such as the khajiit caravans, or a group of militiamen) being attacked by a pack of wolves, or a troll, I like to help them. My Dragonborn is a nice guy, and I'm sure other players can relate.


What I'd like to see, is some gratitude! I think it would be very immersive if helping travelers during a fight resulted in their saying some of their "higher disposition" lines.


PERHAPS helping them in battle would just increase their disposition toward you in general? Has anyone ever encountered an NPC who likes you so much, he/she approaches you to tell you how they appreciate your friendship, and they give you an item? Maybe THAT could work?


One last thing; I'm no modder, but I can imagine how this might be difficult. If anyone decides to take on this idea, the best information I can give to help is Aela The Huntress.


When you approach Whiterun for the first time, the Companions can be seen fighting a giant. If you help them, Aela commends you, but if you don't land at least one hit, then she talks smack to you. My point is, maybe that same concept can be applied to the travelers, or just all NPC's in general, except instead of having a specific line of dialogue for the event, they will just say one of their "high disposition" lines. Say you help a wood elf to defeat a pack of wolves as he's on his way to Solitude to join the legion? "Divines smile on you friend."


Everyone is happy!!


Thanks in advance to anyone who takes an interest in this idea!

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Aela's disposition is determined by "quest" that is related to the giant. (If I am correct)

Quest becomes completed as you hit the giant, thus increasing disposition OR at least choosing the dialogue option.

Same system couldn't be used on every single traveler, but something similar maybe?


However, I'd like to see this happen.

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Aela's disposition is determined by "quest" that is related to the giant. (If I am correct)

Quest becomes completed as you hit the giant, thus increasing disposition OR at least choosing the dialogue option.

Same system couldn't be used on every single traveler, but something similar maybe?


However, I'd like to see this happen.



You make a good point. It would be, in my opinion, completely unreasonable to assume the same could be done for every NPC ingame. I wasn't aware that it was quest determined. I know you don't mean quest in the literal sense, as it doesn't show up in the questlog, but it's a quest as far as the data is concerned I suppose.


I can't help wondering, can this even be done? It's simple in theory, but to make it a reality seems a bit far.

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