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[Help] Transparent character


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I got this weird problem that I noticed just recently : my character sometime become transparent, allowing me to see through it, when I'm facing a "clear" background (like the day sky, or light sources at night, but it's not noticable in dark places). This happen to the armor and the hair, yet the skin stays untouched.

I also noticed that eveytime I remove a helmet, the bug occurs and persist if I equip it back again. Equipping a torch also make it happen regardless of the helmet. I can reverse it by using the Ethereal form shout, but it reoccurs everytime I do these actions. I don't really know for how long it's like this, because I mostly played in 1st person until know.

I play with a lot of mods, I already tried to reinstall ELFX without any success, disabling the ENB don't help either.


If anyone got a hint on how to solve this, I would be grateful

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fwiw, it happens when you zoom too close to the player. dunno why but there it is. Anyway, if that's the case, (like your default 3rd person cam view is set very close to the player), then that's something you might check.


for me, it's when I get within about "two feet" of the player with the camera view.


Since you bring up the ethereal shout, it's possible you have a stuck value, although I'm not sure how to remove the effect if it is stuck.

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then maybe your character experienced a script glitch when you intentionally went invisible at some point and it didn't reset properly at the end of its cycle.


you could try using a console command to reset it. idk.



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I've tried both commands but sadly it didn't work. I also noticed that actually it's the action of equipping/unequipping any item that turns my character transparent. It also occurs in 1st person actually, even if it's barely noticable

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