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ENB recommendations?


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I've been using 'Realistic Lighting 3.5' + FXAA for a few weeks now, and I started thinking...."why don't I just switch to ENB...."? So I need an ENB recommendation because....there's just too many. I am looking for something that meets the following criteria:


1) dark dungeons but bright house interiors: This is the most important criteria. The only reason I've continued to use RL is because I can customize interior lighting, but even then, I still have to use lanterns and spells to navigate some house interiors. Interior lighting is completely 'uneven' and it's starting to agitate me. If I make it brighter, some places become too bright and some places are still too dark. In fact, I'd happily go back to ugly vanilla lighting for house interiors, dispense with all lighting mods, and just use the Imaginator to tweak saturation, because at least the interior lighting is not so uneven.


2) Should not need a torch to navigate the worldspace on a cloudy day, but sunny days should not be 'blinding.'


3) Performance over enhancements: minimal performance drop is a priority over visual candy. It's OK if the lighting doesn't look 'amazing' as long as the visual quality is (even slightly) noticeable.


4) 'stand alone' and is not intended to 'work better' with other mods like RL, RLO, CoT (I do use ELFX though).



Edited by ripple
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