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How to make Super Mutants rediculously scary


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If I tear your arm off with my bare hands the fight is technically over. If I could equip it as a weapon and beat you to death with it, all the better.


There are two problems with mutants as I see it at the moment. One, they can't use flamers yet because Bethesda bolloxed the animations. They're also in unusually high densities for an army with no apparent source or reason. If we make them super tough and give them all big guns all of the neat indoor areas they're crammed in will just be gauntlets of missile explosions and they'll probably kill themselves in the process.


What I think would genuinely help make mutants better is to make them intelligent. At this point raiders are more dangerous than mutants simply because they're smart enough to fight you, even if they're wearing loincloths and tires.

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