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Midas Magic Stasis Field Problem


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I have Midas Magic installed and everything is working fine except for one spell, stasis field. Its the spell that creates a big white bubble and makes a clock-face appear on the floor, it is meant to stop time. The problem is, it just isn't working. When I cast it the bubble appears and so does the clock-face, it looks fine but it doesn't actually stop time like its supposed to. Previously I have it installed on another copy of Oblivion (currently using steam) on the same PC and it worked fine. In the active effects column "Stop Time" appears as does the extra effect that happens whenever you cast a midas spell, but it doesn't work. I could cope with, but its a really cool spell with an absolutely awesome look so its a bit of a shame if it doesn't work. One thing I'm not using is OBSE, does Midas Magic need that for all the spells to work? I also have the Unofficial Patch installed, would that mess up anything? Any help into fixing this spell would be appreciated.



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  • 5 years later...

I know this post is old but I'd like to share my knowledge, Uninstalling the mod and creating a save and then reinstalling it will fix this issue but you will have to write down the list of spells you've already made because they will be gone. Make sure you also take all your inventory in midas chest if you have one and unsummon all of midas summons or a new problem might show up. So far I've tried to changing .obse file with one that works but doesnt, tried casting unsummon and dispelling all my spells and still no avail also tried deleting the spell and remaking it still doesnt work. Only solution would be to uninstall the mod and reinstalling it if you wish it to work. The bug will occur if you spam the spell too much and/or load into a different area before the spell finishes.

Edited by endlessmark
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