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Armor weird issue


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Hello there.


Recently i started to convert some old Skyrim armors i used to use in Oldrim, i didn't have any problem with the conversions but i have a particular problem with this armor mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39003). I did the conversion and converted it to BHUNP, in-game the armor works fine but every time i move the camera close to the character the armor dissapear and the torso character looks like he is nude, if i move the camera far away the armor looks fine. I never experience this issue. I also converted the .Nifs with NIF Optimizer because the game crashes if i don't optimize them. I will upload some pictures with the issue.


Thank you!






Edited by altair90
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I don't have a great deal to share here, but maybe something that *might cause a lightbulb to go off in your head...


I've seen similar artifacts with "armors" (primarily clothing items that double as armor) that have transparencies (skirts, lingerie, etc) and SMP/HDT physics, although it happens only when I get the camera much closer than your second snapshot, perhaps a scale "foot" (~30cm) or less from the NPC or my player


Mind you, all I ever do with armors and clothing is to fit them to body presets.


I've always associated the behavior with a similar weirdness when getting to close to a follower in 1st person and they fade out (literally vanish until I either back away or go to third person view). Not sure why that happens either but I suspect it may also be related.


And now that I'm posting, I decided to do a quick net search and found this link



It might shed light on both problems... maybe. (As I said, All I've done with armors/clothing is to fit them, so I have no real experience using outfit studio or designing armors)


Give it a look, one of the thread replies posts another link that might help as well. idk, but good luck. I've just learned to live with it...although perhaps it might help me too.

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