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Killable Children (Karma)


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Is there really any need to have killable kids in the first place... sort of sick...

But to get to the subject at hand... i think there might be a way yes... setting them to very good will slap a big karma loss on you..


for me the immortal children is an immersion breaker. And imho the Wasteland is a pretty sick place, and youth shouldn't be a shield from harm.


I had a whole idea of a way to make children disposeable in a town but make it so they dont die. I mean I cant actually do it because im not that good a scripter but I would have each child be given a "Parent" npc when the parent npc is killed the child immediatly leaves town and heads for little lamplight. so they escape and you just arent fast enough to kill them. now some peoples response to be "pfeh! thats a dumb idea. heres my counter for it! My character walks to little Lamplight and tries to kill them there. beat that." well I havent quite figured that out. but honestly? who would want to kill children? they cant defend themselves they wouldnt last as long as an adult and they would be too scared to put up a fight.


I mean gee...look at you. yeah your a real big shot. "wooohoo lookee me I killed a whole city of defenseless children with my assault rifle they couldn't do jack!" yeah okay...thats nice. yeah real big shot there! Bravo you really are a good shot with that gun of yours. yeah you can kill something that cant even fight back...excellent. yeah "I am Bill slayer of children" okay yeah thats a good title that really makes you look big and strong and like you should be feared.(yes this was very much sarchasm)


LOL theres a whole area filled with men with armor and guns and super mutants not mention raiders and other various things why the hell would you target child characters? really now dont you have better things to do? I would hope so! because...its just laughable...hahahahahahaha congratulations you can kill a kid. a defenseless scared little kid whom even if he/she had a weapon wouldn't even know what to do with it. really the idea of killing a kid is stupid.


you guys might think im taking this too seriously like Jack Thompson or something but let me tell you something. Number 1: I hate Jack Thompson his goals are irrational, he is ridiculous about his violence claims against Grand theft auto, and I dont like him as a person at all. I have heard things he has said he is a very rude man and needs to (and already has) seek medial/psychological help immediately. Number 2: Believe it or not there ARE people who will take games and movies seriously. ive heard people scream and yell cause they were lagging, losing, or even being beaten in a way they dont like (I couldn't even begin to tell you how many times ive heard a player say "F****ing Runner!!!"). and Number 3: ITS A KID. not an adult. in grand theft auto and fallout its a lot of fun to run into towns and raid them kill everyone as a matter of fact I sometimes find it even very very funny. I find dead baby jokes funny. as a matter of fact those are my favorite kinds of jokes. But when it comes down to actually sitting there on your computer putting a shot gun to some small kids face and watching there head explode...its just not funny...its not entertaining...as a matter of fact. its disgusting. its sickening. I cant even believe people even made mods where you could do that. honestly what is wrong with people these days? killing kids? the reason we play games watch movies is for entertainment. Killing virtual kids is entertainment? im sorry but I never even attempt it...I had no trouble blowing up Megaton but when it comes down to this...no I cant.


First, childhood and it's sentimentalization is a relatively recent even in human history. in reality, it doesn't make a crime more or less horrific to do it to an adult or a child, that's about the same as being pro-life and/pro-death penalty in terms of hypocrisy.


however, your opinion is as valid as anyone's.


the point of this type of game is to explore and test out experiences that would otherwise be impossible or harmful to yourself and others without the risk. I personally have no specific interest in being able to kill children, but I would definitely like having the option, especially if the consequences are realistic.


an obvious exception for the denizens of Little-Lamplight, of course.


more specifically to this mod, yes to a high negative karma hit, yes perhaps to the child killer perk (which would essentially increase your bounty and the frequency of regulator attacks on your person).


yes to anything, especially if there is no requirement for anyone else to have to download it against their will, fantasy is not reality, real action is a conscious choice of the individual and not a thing they can blame on external influences, etc.





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Is there really any need to have killable kids in the first place... sort of sick...

But to get to the subject at hand... i think there might be a way yes... setting them to very good will slap a big karma loss on you..


for me the immortal children is an immersion breaker. And imho the Wasteland is a pretty sick place, and youth shouldn't be a shield from harm.


I had a whole idea of a way to make children disposeable in a town but make it so they dont die. I mean I cant actually do it because im not that good a scripter but I would have each child be given a "Parent" npc when the parent npc is killed the child immediatly leaves town and heads for little lamplight. so they escape and you just arent fast enough to kill them. now some peoples response to be "pfeh! thats a dumb idea. heres my counter for it! My character walks to little Lamplight and tries to kill them there. beat that." well I havent quite figured that out. but honestly? who would want to kill children? they cant defend themselves they wouldnt last as long as an adult and they would be too scared to put up a fight.


I mean gee...look at you. yeah your a real big shot. "wooohoo lookee me I killed a whole city of defenseless children with my assault rifle they couldn't do jack!" yeah okay...thats nice. yeah real big shot there! Bravo you really are a good shot with that gun of yours. yeah you can kill something that cant even fight back...excellent. yeah "I am Bill slayer of children" okay yeah thats a good title that really makes you look big and strong and like you should be feared.(yes this was very much sarchasm)


LOL theres a whole area filled with men with armor and guns and super mutants not mention raiders and other various things why the hell would you target child characters? really now dont you have better things to do? I would hope so! because...its just laughable...hahahahahahaha congratulations you can kill a kid. a defenseless scared little kid whom even if he/she had a weapon wouldn't even know what to do with it. really the idea of killing a kid is stupid.


you guys might think im taking this too seriously like Jack Thompson or something but let me tell you something. Number 1: I hate Jack Thompson his goals are irrational, he is ridiculous about his violence claims against Grand theft auto, and I dont like him as a person at all. I have heard things he has said he is a very rude man and needs to (and already has) seek medial/psychological help immediately. Number 2: Believe it or not there ARE people who will take games and movies seriously. ive heard people scream and yell cause they were lagging, losing, or even being beaten in a way they dont like (I couldn't even begin to tell you how many times ive heard a player say "F****ing Runner!!!"). and Number 3: ITS A KID. not an adult. in grand theft auto and fallout its a lot of fun to run into towns and raid them kill everyone as a matter of fact I sometimes find it even very very funny. I find dead baby jokes funny. as a matter of fact those are my favorite kinds of jokes. But when it comes down to actually sitting there on your computer putting a shot gun to some small kids face and watching there head explode...its just not funny...its not entertaining...as a matter of fact. its disgusting. its sickening. I cant even believe people even made mods where you could do that. honestly what is wrong with people these days? killing kids? the reason we play games watch movies is for entertainment. Killing virtual kids is entertainment? im sorry but I never even attempt it...I had no trouble blowing up Megaton but when it comes down to this...no I cant.


Stop the whining?! It's a freakin game-.-

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did you not here me i said i hate her. but to be more in depth i cannot stand smart ass kids who think they are adults on of my pet peeves if you will. ..



I couldnt agree more, I just wish that I could hang up that f..king wise ass child princess and burn her... then of course the mayor... that little brat with his rifle, I would love to bite off his neck then watch him bleed to death...


The main problem is they are not humble, yea we should all go to hell for even talking bad and having homicidal intentions about child pixels in a game, but they annoy me... Just the brat has a rifle, doesnt mean he can boss me around, the "Watch it or I will shoot you" manner is killing me, I am trying all my best to be humble and help everyone out, but they just act like they own the wasteland or something...


as for the karma boost or loss, I guess it should be pretty easy to do that, I am no modder so I can not help... Also I want the kids to notice that I killed one of them, I cleaned out little town just to see what happens, and what happened? nothing, I blew the brains off of Princess, every body acted like what I did was normal... Maybe they all got tired of princess bossing them around huh? :D

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