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Armor Clipping/Semi-Transparency Bug


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My problem is with NordwarUA's New Legion armor. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30468?tab=description

Great mod author, but doesn't seem too prolific support-wise.


The problem is specifically with the female imperial captain helmet. The farther away you are from the person wearing it, it becomes semi-transparent and hair begins to clip through. However, close up, it looks perfect. I've narrowed it down to either a problem with the mod itself or something wrong with my settings. Here's the issue:




The photo might not make it seem that bad but when I run this mod with all my mods, the problem is made worse for some reason. I personally think it's something wrong with the mesh/texture itself, so someone with modding experience would really help. Here's the things I've tried:

  • Turning off AA in settings, launcher, NVIDIA
  • Disabling ENB
  • Tried different environments, indoors/outdoors
  • Tested in a clean game
  • Used med and high res textures provided on the author's page
  • Played around with mesh in Nifskope, removed NiAlphaProperty, Make All Partition Skins, and Stripify all TriShapes (fix for someone with similar problem)
  • Played around with the texture for a little, removing the Alpha channel fixed the bug for me but ofc it made the entire helmet really dark and ugly so that's not a real solution for me

If anyone had a similar bug in the past and/or knows how to fix it, help would be appreciated. I'm not providing my load order since, again, I tested this in a clean game with only the base plugins and the New Legion plugin.

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