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A Lucario mod


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Id like a lucario mod for Fallout New Vegas


Why? because i absolutly adore lucario id like a race mod and a companion mod please if a modder says they want to hear the details please send me a message


im not a noob or anything i know half u modders out there wont even try to reply because its a mod adding a pokemon to fallout tbh i have a lore idea for it as well and i know it wont be an easy mod to make im an experianced mod tester not a modder just a tester i run so many mods on my fallout and skyrim that i litarally cant play or do anything else without crashing it


i have ideas thats about it i am not demanding anything to difficult for experianced modders its just a matter of getting a modder to do it


if a modder is serious about helping with this contact request me at skype name is kaseydarklightwolf

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  • 3 years later...

-Necropost because this is Google's 1st result on the topic-

There IS a Lucario mod on "gunetwork", one of those underground gaming networks, but their forums have a frankly draconian rule about keeping mods posted there off any other network. =w=

I'll reverse engineer their work, and remake a version from scratch to upload here using the usual Brawl model.


EDIT: Scratch that, they got DMCA'd by Nintendo for that mod. I'm not getting caught up in that no way no how.

Edited by Invader21
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