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Werewold hunting - Red riding hood


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I was thinking about what kind of character my new rp-character for skyrim would be, when I thought of this. I had downloaded a few mods with new hair and such, and hair sticking out of hoods etc. Well, then it struck me: I wan't to make a character named Red riding hood, which would be a redhead, with cloak and hood etc, not really important. What is important is I wanted to bring in her hatred for wolves/werewolves. The only problem; there's no options for werewolf-hunting in skyrim.. (as far as i know? I haven't overlooked something?)


See, I would really like to be able to really get into this character, and make her hatred for wolves and wolf-ish creatures a major part of my roleplaying. Without any werewolf hunting options, it kinda ruins it. And I bet others would also enjoy being able to be the enemy of the werewolves. And if possible, be able to strike down the companions, and reveal their secret to skyrim.


As for now, since there is no such mod, I think I'm gonna play her as an actual werewolf, which I also think would be pretty cool. But I definitly miss something like a werewolf-hunter's guild. That would've been awesome.


If there are any modders with the capabilities to make such a mod, I would've loved and endorsed you out of this world.. It would've been great, please volunteer! :) :)




PS: Sorry for possible bad grammar, or writing in itself.

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I was looking for exactly the same thing. Recently, I was thinking about creating a dedicated "witchhunter" - a character that is a quite fanatic about hunting every dangerous creatures of Skyrim. Werewolves, vampires, necromancers, cannibals, daedra worshippers and what not (actually to play such a character you would have to become an enemy of Skyrim itself, lol). Unfortunately, I couldn't find any actual mods that give you new possibilites for hunting "evil" creatures :/ I was even looking for a mod that would allow me to destroy our werewolf-loving circle in Whiterun, but damn, it seems I was the only one who wanted to do that, because there is no mod for that aswell :P


The only thing I've found, but haven't tested yet, is this mod: Vigilant of Stendarr Quests. It makes this faction joinable under particular circumstances and I think it would suit your character aswell. The problem is that this mod seems to be abandoned and is no longer developed :(


Honestly, I would like a mod that makes Vigiliants of Stendarr and Silver Hand joinable, fully developed factions with quest lines. This game doesn't seem to favor "righteous, paladin-like" characters when it comes to the choice of joinable factions and quests.

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