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Werewolf Armor Perk


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This request is fairly simple.

I have seen tonnes of retextures for both vampire lord and werewolf, including some with armors, however what I am requesting is slightly different.

'Royal Bloodline' is a mod that's primary purpose was to add more perks and abilities to the vampire lord form.

However this request is about a specific part of that mod. The mod added a perk which, once obtained, would change your vampire lord form by adding Harkon's armor.

What I am requesting here is a similar thing but with werewolves. I know that it is easy enough to simply install a mod that adds armor to werewolf form, however it sort of limits you between either having a character who appears in complete control of his transformation or one who has no control at all.

If however a perk was added that when obtained would likewise add armor to the werewolf form, it would be much easier to feel like a real werewolf who slowly gains enough control to where armor.

As I said, it is a simple request, however if a modder see's this and thinks the idea is good, I'm sure it could be expanded to other forms of perk based control (E.g. A perk for multiple transformations, looting, reverting transformation (New howl for use with mods that allow you to switch howls) etc.)

Thanks in advances for responses, non-modders feel free to give your input on the idea.

Edited by Dante Wrath
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