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Modding vlindrel hall problems


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I have been working on a mod for vlindrel hall for a month now and I am finally close to finishing it except there is one big problem. I always wanted to add on to that area behind the fireplace in the living room, it seemed like it was really meant to be a hallway or something through there. So I removed that fireplace and made the rest of the house there. Looks great in the CK but there is a lighting bug just past there. I can't get anything to light up there unless I move it a certain distance away from that area just behind where that fireplace used to be in the living room. That is not the biggest problem though, the big problem is that anything that is added past the back of that fireplace area does not show in game until the player moves past that area. Looks like an empty void until I run past it in game. Then everything shows up that I added but if I turn around and look back there is nothing behind me until I run back to the living room. Why is this happening?


I did not right click markarthvlindrelhall in the cell editor and change anything there. So there must be some default setting that is causing the problem? or maybe there is some bug in the game that makes this happen? Has anyone else noticed this? I am thinking now that maybe this is why there seems to be a lack of mods for this house here because just about everyone wanted to use that same area the way I did and it didn't work?

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