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Help Request: NPC schedule/AI package


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Let me start by saying I'm reading through the stickies and other tutorials to find my answer, I just figure this is basic enough that someone might be able to help expedite the situation...thanks in advance!


So I have my NPC vendor all set up, everything about the NPC is working fine except his "go to the inn at 19:00, sandbox for 5 hours, sleep in the bed I placed and gave you ownership of at 0:00 for 4 hours, then go back outside to the work marker at 5:00 and sandbox/work till 19:00 for 14 hours, rinse, repeat" AI packages/schedule. All the times and durations on the packages seem to add up to 24 hrs properly, I have the proper markers set for the individual packages, to my eye, the AI should be firing off without a hitch.....His work package is the only one that he actually does, when the other 2 packages (sleep and sandbox in the inn) are supposed to fire off...he just stays standing outside at the work marker.


I'm certain I need to provide more specific info than this, but it's a start in describing what's going on. Please ask me all the obvious noob questions you can think of, chances are it's something easy I'm overlooking.....thanks!

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Is this happening in an area of the vanilla game, or a location you've created? If it's a location you've created, have you made a finalized navmesh? One possibility that would result in what you're seeing is if the NPC can't understand how to travel to where he is supposed to go.


See the mod I'm working on here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30867/


So it's in a vanilla area, with a new navmesh in that particular immediate area on the workshop platform. I'm fairly certain that the navmesh is fine, although there is a weird disconnect right outside the door of the vilemyr inn that I can't seem to connect, it's like a gap between two major areas of vanilla navmesh. My NPC is on the workshop platform, which I navmeshed and which apparently works, judging by followers/other NPCs being able to come up the stairs and use the workshop furniture. Right now, he won't even leave the platform.


I'm trying to get him to go into the vilemyr inn, I've pointed the package for inside the inn at an existing marker, maybe I need to make a totally new one? I've made a new marker for the workshop area, and he seems to use it.


sorry if my writing here is a bit scattered, it's a bit late where I'm at.

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well it was the ding dang diddly navmesh outside of the inn that was the culprit. finalized that f***er properly and we're good to go. thanks for pointing me in the right direction.



edit: LOL, just to be clear, it was the vanilla navmesh that had the problem (lacking the solid bright green borderline between the two areas in front of the inn door) and not my "new" navmeshed area...furthermore to this point I think all the vanilla NPC's that show up inside the Vilemyr Inn are clones of the NPC's elsewhere in Ivarstead, who are get enabled/disabled to appear in the inn....there seems to have been no other way for NPC's to get in and out otherwise. Hope this wasn't for some really good unknown reason....

Edited by Sabat9
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