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bloodskal sword - energy disk attack


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My first time making a request, i hope it does not go unnoticed!


i have had a long fascination with the Legend of Zelda, with Majora's Mask being my favorite installment. I have created my Skyrim character to be as close to fierce diety link as possible. the only thing missing....his swords energy disk attack.


The bloodskal 2h sword seems to be the closest thing to what i am trying to get. Can anyone help with a mod that will make this power enchantable to other items? Possibly with color and dimension variables? If not the latter, i am at least looking for someone who can help me acquire the power as an enchantment. I will be forever grateful!!


Thank you all in advance for any time spent in regards!


P.S. i already have the mod that allows me to , for lack of a better word, strip the enchantment of most items and equip them to others, but it does not seem this one is applicable (so are other items such as Auriel's shield and Auriel's bow)

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Its probably possible to attach the Bloodskall script (i'm almost certain its a script rather than an enchantment. I'd have to look at it in the CK) to a different weapon and have it work out generally the same. And then from there its just a matter of changing the color the effect (and possibly duplicating it so it doesn't replace the original) itself and bam.
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