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most complex potion you've created


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Like the title says, what's the most complex potion you've ever made? By saying that I mean how many effects did it have, did they last a long time, and how much was it worth? Also please state the ingredients you used and the level of the equipment used and the skill of the alchemist behind them. :sick:
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Aiden Direnni checks his potion storage.

Level 61 Altmer, Alchemy 90, Intelligence 125 (with Necromancer's Amulet)

Using Secret Masters apparatus and fortifying intelligence before alchemy sessions

Ingredients are a closely guarded secret


Most Complex:

Fortify Willpower 137 pts for 403 sec value 398

Cure Poison

Cure Blight Disease

Restore Willpower 137 pts for 403 sec

Restore Health 31 pts for 84 sec


Some Other Potions:

Fortify Intelligence 173 pts for 507 sec value 501

Fortify Speed and Feather 100 pts for 288 sec value 282

Fortify Strength 174 pts for 509 sec value 503

Restore Health 40 pts for 107 sec value 503

Restore Magicka 39 pts for 106 sec value 499

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Dilvish's super secret potion:

Meteor Slime: Fort Willp, Cur Psn, Cur Blt, Rest Willp

Scrib Jelly: Fort Willp, Cur Psn, Cur Blt, Rest Willp

Emerald: Fort Mag, Rest Helth

Saltrice: Fort Mag, Rest Helth


I was looking into your most complex potion for the recipe when I found that I could easily expand on it. Although I haven't tried it yet so I don't know the magnitude, duration, or the price but I do have grandmaster instruments so it should be good:



Fortify Willpower

Cure Poison

Cure Blight

Restore Willpower

Fortify Magicka

Restore Health


Now tha recipe!

Meteor Slime, Scrib Jelly, Emerald, Saltrice...

:o :wacko: :P :sick: :lol: :whistling:



I'd appreciate if anyone would try it real quick with Grandmaster (or is there anything better than that?) equipment and big alchamy skillaz then post the magnitude, duration, and price.

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Berdic the Lucky tries this recipe.

Level 7 Breton, Alchemy 36, Intelligence fortified to 273, Luck at 66

Using GrandMaster's apparatus

Ingredient list provided by Untouchable1


Resulting Potion:

Fortify Willpower 39 pts for 109 sec value 104

Cure Poison

Cure Blight Disease

Restore Willpower 39 pts for 109 sec


Berdic the Lucky cannot yet match the alchemy skill of Aiden Direnni.

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My Secretmaster's equipment came into the game with the Caldera Townhouse Mod by Ravensong. The author said the mod was just a nice house without uber items but there they were. My mage characters can't resist using such beautiful tools.

None of my characters have ever found any Secretmaster's apparatus in unmodded Vvardenfell or Solstheim yet.

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So the Secret Master equipment is just a custom piece? Ok well anyway. Isn't it great when even a novice alchemist can make extremely powerful potions? Like whos gonna use a Restore Willpower 39 pts for 109 secs (Vivec maybe, if he graciously LET someone drain it like that.) Its also kinda unbalanced how you can spend 2 gold and make a potion for like Restore Fatigue 62 pts for 240 secs. It makes storebought potions look like Guar dung :sick: . Anyway, any more potions anyone?
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It's always the poor guars, isn't it?... Somebody's gotta stand up for those guys some day!


If there's anyone you should insult, it has to be ricklings or cliff racers...


I'll get back to you guys on the complicated potion thing. I'm just gonna check my character.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Resist Magicka 470% for 2277 seconds

Restore Magicka 280 points for 1904 seconds

Fortify Magiccka 2489 points for 3411 seconds

Drain Magicka 110 points for 540 seconds (good ol' whatchamecallit deducting thing)

Reflect 320% for 1288 seconds


My alchemy system is screwed up. :blink:


Ripened Belledona berries

Unripened Belledona berries

Hound Meat

Comberry Flower

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