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SomethingSeen - BANNED

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SomethingSeen banned.

Belittling and aggressively criticising other members based on personal dislikes, using their contents in ImageShare.

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Why? what is the f*cking reason for this, why do people have to mod oblivion into anime sh*t?

The game was good and great on its own, you all just making it worse and worse with the time, i mean its good and nice to preserve the game style and making HD remasters, its nice i can understand.

but this... WHY? why does THIS happens?! you people in my opinion are the worst f*cked up minded modders of all.

Oblivion is and was a great 2006 game, it doesnt need any type of anime-sh*t mods. Go home you lonely weebs.

PS: i dont have any though of making this a war or anything like, but it pissess me off.

#MakeOblivionOriginalAgain #NoModsNeededToEnjoyOblivion

From our Forum and Commenting Guidelines:


We do not tolerate 'trolling' or harassment of any kind. Do not belittle, discredit, or aggressively criticise another member or their content.

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Moderation history
This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned

Edited by AltheaR
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