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Mods and Trials


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I tried searching for this, but to no avail. I'm currently using the Swartz compilation mod, which amongst others, includes alteration to the guns. Because of this, what would happen if I were to play one of the trials? Even though it's single-player, it "is" competing against others in the leaderboards. Am I going to have to change my patch.dat everytime I want to play trials, to avoid getting banned, or will the game automatically revert to it's original self when I do so?
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I think trials are limited to your computer, with some values on there from UBI employees playing it. I've done trials on my game using my mod which also alters weapons, haven't noticed any problems, although I haven't tried playing anything online either. I would definitely revert to the original game before doing multiplayer just to be safe.

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Pretty sure my weapons revert to unmodded versions once start the trials. I believe they use a a different xml that most modders have probably left untouched.


Only the 6P9 and M93 have separate files for challenges, all other weapons will use the same files as the regular weapons. So, if the weapons are modified in the game, they will be modified in challenges as well. I really don't think you can get banned for cheating in the challenges. It only shows your score to your friends, so it isn't really competing online. I have completed several trials with my modified guns and haven't yet got banned for it.

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