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Change Jewelery ID


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I have a Mod that makes you wear tons of Amulets and Rings, but there are some that Conflictes with Amulets that has the Same ID, so please change something in the Vanilla Jewelery as if the Amulets and Rings are just a Regular Item.

Ring of Hircine

Bonehawk Amulet
Bonehawk Ring


Amulet of Articulation

Amulet of Saint Jiub

Edited by daventry
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As a moderator, it is not my job to change any form IDs in anybody elses mods. Or to change anything else in anybody elses mods.


It's not a good idea to change the ID of a vanilla object as that will cause problems with every other mod that references it.


It is not the job of a mod author to change his item IDs for any new mod that comes along - it is the job of the new mod to make sure their IDs do not conflict with any older mods they want to be compatible with. It is not required that a mod author make his mod compatible with any other mod - It is up to the user to decide which mod they want to use and which one to leave out of their game when there is a conflict.

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