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Help with night lighting effects!


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I've been modding the various TES games for a long time; generally I've been able to sort out problems without much fuss; this particular one, however is driving me nuts. I have Dark Nights and Dungeons installed, as well as the Realistic Lighting Overhaul. Previously I've used RCRN, all with no success. While indoor cells are satisfyingly dark, the exterior cells have an almost neon-blue coloration of the water, and the viewable distance is far too great. Although I have a number of mods, I can't seem to find one that is causing this; does anyone know how to bring proper darkness to my Skyrim? I'm a novice when it comes to message boards, so here is a link to a hosted image http://i49.tinypic.com/5e7a87.jpg. I'll also try to embed a picture; hopefully it works. http://i49.tinypic.com/5e7a87.jpg Thanks for any help in advance, and sorry for the huge screenshot; I'm not too familiar with how to re-size the image.
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