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Overlapping LOD Help


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I finally finished my graphics mods with DynDOLOD as the last step. Most things seem to work, tree LODs are a tad dark, but I can fix that by redoing the LODs. However, I'm running into an issue of LODs overlapping actual graphics and not unloading when I get near them. It seems to only happen when I fast travel somewhere, because it doesn't load in all the high res textures. It seems to mostly be limited to towns and cities, with road textures and buildings overlapping. I'm not sure if I set the LODs up wrong, used TexGen wrong, or have something messed up in the .ini file. I've got uStaticNeverFade=1, could that be doing it? I also messed with my uGrids and set them to 5. I'll include my skyrim.ini with the post, with some screenshots too. I've been following Sintar's guide up until now, where I've had to veer off a bit to try and get 3D tree LODs. This is my first time really modding Skyrim, so I'm not used to all the Bethesda quirks.


Side question, is the process for redoing the LODs the same as the update process described in the manual? If, say, I uninstall a mod, do I have to run texgen and dyndolod all over again and then just put the output back into NMM? Or is there more of a process?


Skyrim ini


Load order


Mod list


Screenshots (first one is riverwood with all textures normal, when I first loaded in)



Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by CrashMan054
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